Thursday, February 21, 2019

Troy University Symposium

On Monday, February 18th, 2019, the NBC social media coordinator Micah Grimes came and spoke at the annual Symposium held by the journalism department.
Micah Grimes speaking at the Symposium
He started out as a student at Troy University and within four years, had moved to New York and began a job at NBC. He now has employees based in New York, London, and Los Angeles. The Symposium was held in the TC ballrooms from 10 am to 11:30 am. There were mainly journalism students in attendance, but there were some non-journalism students as well. The same goes to professors.

Another view of the Symposium
One of the slides Micah Grimes created
Micah Grimes gave a rundown on how he came to his success.

He gave quite a few pointers that
even us students could easily follow. He also talked about in another slide of his about how journalism is changing as a whole. He even said that, with how some of it has evolved or dissolved, that it can be sad to watch. First with newspaper and now, as he even said, TV.

Another slide made by Micah Grimes
Mr. Grimes mainly came to talk to us about the importance of social media in journalism and how it has helped him have the successful career he has had. But he also spoke to us the importance of different aspects of journalism and how to make it to the top and become as successful as he now has.
It was a Symposium that I thoroughly enjoyed!

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