Friday, February 1, 2019


Hello my name is Natalie Ledbetter! I am a college student with a huge love for travel and history as well. And so with this blog, it will be a mixture of the two.
In this blog, I will show pictures of the places I travel to and then give a historical background of the place I travel to. Whether it be a particular place in the town or the whole city itself. Most of the time, it will be a particular place in the town.
I will probably show mainly pictures with my travels. But I will also include video, audio, and maybe an interview with someone who also enjoys travel as well. Finding a person probably would not be too hard because quite a few people love this activity.
I chose this topic to also give those who may not be able to travel quite as easily as others, a way to feel like they have gone far and wide in the state or nation.
I am also giving those who do travel option, more places to go over a weekend or during the summer. I will give places that would be good for warm and cold weather travel as well.
Why I want to create this blog is because of my love for travelling places. Last year I made the resolution of travelling more and going more places. And ever since then, I have been seriously hooked.
And I want other people to share in one of my favorite activities. And one of my passions.
I also wanted to go with this topic to have a reason to travel to more places. Which is something I am very excited about.
A goal of mine with this is to also show that there is no shame in travelling somewhere by yourself. By all means, bring friends. But there is no shame in it.
I am very excited to share this blog with you guys. And I hope you thoroughly enjoy it.

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