Thursday, February 28, 2019

Travel Tips

When it comes to travelling to a new place it can be either easy or difficult. Depending on if you prep for it or not. My most successful trips have been the ones that I at least put a little thought and preparing into. Obviously, spontaneous trips are fun as well! I have had my fair share of those and had a lot of fun. But there were more sights I could have seen if I had done some prepping beforehand. So, I wanted to give a few tips to having a successful trip!

1.      Choose a destination

The most important way to have a successful trip is actually deciding where to go. Doing this will help make the trip possibly shorter and also give some structure to it as well. Already knowing where you are going ahead of time will give you a chance to give it further prep.

2.      Ask friends if they want to tag along

Now the next step is to see if any buddies of yours want to join along in the trip! This will help in further planning processes as well. If no one can go though, do not be ashamed of going on a solo trip! There is truly nothing wrong with it. I have done a few myself and had a wonderful time. But having group road trips is a blast as well!

3.      Start picking a day

This is important especially if you are going with a group of friends. Pick a day that completely works for you and others. It is preferred to choose a day that you or no one else has work. This will more than likely fall on a weekend day. But sometimes a week day goes.

4.      Check the weather

Once you have a day picked out, your next step needs to be to check the weather for that day. It would be a huge mood downer to have plans for a sunny day and show up to a downpour. It is best to know ahead of time to be ready for rain, shine, cold or warm!

5.      Start gathering the essentials

Once the weather situation is figured out, it is now time to pack up! What you need to take really depends on where you are going to. What you are wearing for the day also would fall under this! And that, once again, all depends on where you are going and how it is going to be that day.

6.      Who is driving

This is an important one for group road trips. It is best to figure out who is driving before you leave so you are more likely to leave on time. Because sometimes people are not too willing to drive their vehicle a certain distance and it is better to figure it out beforehand.

7.      Now hit the road!

Once everything is figured out, all you have to do is hit the road and enjoy the ride there!

I hope these tips help you have an amazing travel experience!!

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