Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Travel Checklist

The blog today is going to be a little bit of a different one. Today I will be giving a checklist of what a person should do when they go to a new place. Because, no matter how small a place is, if you plan it out correctly, you can make the most out of it.
1.      Look Up the Popular Areas:
When going to a new place, it is a good idea to look up the areas in the town that are popular as a start. Some people may be particular with this, because they want to only find obscure places. There is nothing wrong with tourist areas though. It will give you a good start to the adventure!
2.  .   Locate Local Shops:
Some of my favorite things to go to in new places are the local shops. A lot of the time the items in the shop are handmade by the owner and are not too expensive. This will give you a nice little memory of where you went to.
3.     Find Hidden Gems:
Now that you have seen the popular areas everyone knows about, try to find somewhere a little more obscure in the town you have found yourself in. Do not be afraid to ask a local resident of the town about places to go. You are more than likely to find a place from them than on the Internet. And you may make a new friend from it!
4.     Find a Place to Eat:
Something I almost always do when I go to a new place is find a place to eat. I usually try to eat at places that are unique to the town. Everywhere you go you will find a McDonald’s or Cookout, and so the locally owned restaurants are always nice to go to. And usually have fantastic food!
5.     Find Times Places Are Open:
This is a very important thing to remember, because I have definitely messed up on this a few times. If you know you are trying to go to a certain place, make sure to look up the open and closing times beforehand. I have shown up to a few places when they had already closed. It put a little bit of a damper on the trip.
6.     Be Ready for Anything:
No matter where you go, anything can happen. From a car mess-up to lack of money, it is best to be prepared for anything to go wrong or happen. It is best to make a checklist of everything before you travel anywhere. Especially to somewhere a good bit away.
I hope these are helpful tips and help make your next trip worthwhile!!

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