Friday, January 24, 2020

About Me

Hello all! My name is Natalie and welcome to my blog! I am a senior in college and take the chance to travel somewhere new whenever I can. Travelling is something that I have thoroughly enjoyed my whole life. It brings me excitement to go to a new place and have new experiences.
With this blog I am also going to be giving the history of the places I go and some cool spots to visit while in these places. I am a big fan of history so this aspect of travelling also makes me excited to go to new places. To have the chance to experience a place that people 100 years ago did as well is so interesting to me. Oh the stories these towns and buildings could tell if they could talk.
I am very excited to share with you the places I travel to this semester and I am incredibly excited to get the chance to go to these places myself. I am itching for a new adventure so this blog is the perfect excuse to go on a new one.
Usually I will keep my travels in state, but I may find myself going out of state from time to time so be ready! If you would like to contact me about the blog you can reach me at .
I hope you enjoy reading about where I go as much as I enjoy going to these places! So please enjoy all of these "Beautiful Places!"